Are you our Week 3 United GPU winner?


Our week 3 United GPU winner is…  picked from all the comments on Twitter. This is the 3rd week we’ve been running this contest and we want to thank all of you who are supporting the site. It’s great to get your feedback and thoughts so continue leaving your comments as we still have one more giveaway to go.

Last week I broke the news on Avianca’s 3 for 1 deal (200% bonus) which was later mentioned by other blogs and forums. Were you able to get in on the deal? Following me on twitter and facebook as well as signing up for our email and rss feed are the quickest ways to stay informed.

Since this weeks prize came from twitter the rules mentioned to include the hashtag #GTHQwin. picked M as the winner. Any chance he or she works for MI6? 🙂

2014-01-01 Week 3 Random

Twitter Comment Jan 1 2014 United GPU

Congratulations M! Please send your contact and flight information to

Keep those comments coming as there are still more prizes to give away including 1 more GPU. The rules are still the same: one entry per comment on the original blog, per facebook comment and per tweet with the same #GTHQwin hashtag. 3 entries per day.


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